"I have called you by name . . ." ALTAR LINEN CARE MINISTRY: With deep love and reverence for the Holy Eucharist, the Altar Linen Care Ministry cares for the sacred linens. This ministry is made up of a team who, behind the scenes in their own homes, reverently launder and care for the purificators and corporals used on the altar at Mass.
Download Guidelines at left. CONTACT: Pat Harrison, 208-512-626-4894
ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY: Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during Mass. Senior Altar Servers may be given the added responsibilities of a Master of Ceremonies (MC) role, providing guidance during the Mass to their junior counterparts. Download Guidelines at left.
The ministry of Altar Server is open to all children and youth of the parish -- 4th grade and up -- who have made their First Reconciliation and Holy Communion and whose parents believe they are ready and responsible enough to be trained. A yearly update/reflection session is offered with training to follow each year.
CHOIR: Our choirs are entrusted with the musical parts of the liturgy, and are organized and instructed for that purpose. They facilitate and encourage the full and active participation of the faithful through song. CONTACT: [email protected]
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION (EMHC) AT MASS: Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are lay people commissioned to assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to bring the Body of Christ to the sick or imprisoned who cannot make it to Mass.
Download Guidelines at left. CONTACT: Parish Office or complete Training Request Form at the Liturgical Ministries Board in the Narthex
HOSPITALITY MINISTER: The Hospitality Minister offers a unique opportunity to serve God through participation in the Holy Mass as well as in service to others. Parishioners and visitors often receive their first impression of our church from Hospitality Ministers. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all the faithful assembled for worship and work in unison with the Priest to provide a reverent, safe, and orderly environment during the Holy Mass.
Download Guidelines at left. CONTACT: Parish Office or complete Training Request Form at the Liturgical Ministries Board in the Narthex
LECTOR: A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. The Lector may also lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass in the absence of a Deacon. The Lector believes that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and has a deep respect for God's presence in that Word.
Download Guidelines at left. CONTACT: Parish Office or complete Training Request Form at the Liturgical Ministries Board in the Narthex
LITURGICAL ENVIRONMENT: This ministry helps prepare the church environment for Masses and Feast Celebrations throughout the year, especially for the major liturgical seasons including Advent (Christmas) and Lent (Easter). Let us know if you'd like to help!
SACRISTAN AT MASS: Sacristans prepare the worship space, set in place worship aids, ready the bread and the wine for the sacrifice, and make sure that other liturgical ministries are covered. The sacristan has the overall responsibility to diligently obtain, arrange, and verify that all elements necessary for the celebration of the Mass are in place before the start of the Mass (GIRM 105a).
Download Guidelines at left. CONTACT: Kathy Roberts, Lead Sacristan, 208-660-6831, [email protected].